Tinctures & flower essences
Tinctures are a powerful way of extracting the benefits of a plant and getting those into the body quickly.
Tinctures are made into herbal medicines by mixing a specific amount - usually 5ml or more - with water. This is taken several times a day or as directed. Because tinctures contain concentrated plant extracts, they are used as convenient vehicles for getting the concentrated plant components quickly to where they are needed in the body.
Tinctures are prescribed for a wide range of issues, including heart health, blood pressure, hormonal issues, stress, PMS, pain and insomnia. Benefits can be seen very quickly but stronger effects usually start within one to two weeks, and can sometimes take between 6 weeks and 6 months to full see the benefits.
Tinctures can also be used directly on the skin and mixed into creams for a range of issues.
Tinctures can also be diluted and used as a mouthwash for fresher breath, and to soothe infections of the mouth.
Herbal tinctures can provide fast-acting relief and support to your body’s systems. All my tinctures are made with ingredients that I have grown myself, or foraged for in local woodlands, working with the energies of the land and plants used.
They are taken by diluting a few drops with water. This is because they aren’t designed with flavour in mind! Only a very small amount of alcohol is consumed when taking a herbal tincture. It is a safe and effective way of delivering the benefits of herbs. Because they don't tend to taste great, it's fine to mix them with juice or some water mixed with honey.
Flower Essences are very gentle – working with the vibrational essence of a tree, flower or plant, these work on a high vibrational frequency, and are much gentler than tinctures, working more on the emotional body rather than the physical, although they can also have a profound affect on the physical body, such as my Rose Calming Drops, that are a blend of rose tincture and rose petal flower essence. Flower essences can be taken directly into the mouth unlike tinctures that need diluting.
As with my tea blends, all tinctures and essences are hand crafted seasonally in very small batches to order. Tinctures are generally made with vodka base. Flower essences are made with a brandy base and much more diluted.
Tinctures available - £13 for a 30ml bottle (inc postage)
Hawthorn (flower and berry) tincture – Hawthorn tincture is my go to for any heart or blood pressure issues. My hawthorn tincture is crafted over time to include the flowers and berries.
Rose Calming Drops – to ease emotional heart pain, grief in all its heart aching forms, panic and emotional distress.
Sleepy time tincture – a blend of relaxing and sedating herbs to help you drift off into a deep peaceful sleep. Works well with Relax tea.
I will also mix up a bespoke tincture just for you based on your health issues and needs. Message me for more details and a personal herbal consultation.
Flower Essences available – rose, hawthorn, blackthorn, bluebell, larch, violet, forget-me-not. Can be purchased singly or blended. £9 for a 30ml dropper bottle (inc postage)